The Community of Hope

The Community of Hope

As I wrap up my schooling for a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, Pastor Kirk has asked me to consider some sermons on how we as the church can address mental health, how we can encourage one another in our marriages, how we can have stronger families.  This Sunday Pastor Dave will be...

Love That Conquers

Love That Conquers

I trust most of us celebrated Valentine’s Day this week by sharing with someone how much we love, appreciate, or cherish them. Maybe by a thoughtful gift, a bouquet of flowers, or by an action or deed, we simply said “I love you.” God has done the same for us, excepting this love is not...

Going for the Savior

Going for the Savior

It is not uncommon for Gloria and I to turn on the TV in the kitchen as supper is prepared. Truth be told, if it were all up to me we would be watching ESPN, but seeing that Gloria does nearly all the cooking she gets to choose the station and generally we find ourselves...

Growing in the Savior

Growing in the Savior

I remember years ago when we purchased a one-acre lot and built a home ‘in the country’. It was in a development called Lincoln Lakes just north of Spring Creek Golf Course, and at that time, there were very few homes out there. The first spring we were there, my main project was to plant...

Knowing the Savior

Knowing the Savior

All of us have likely experienced those times when a few words pack quite an impact and, in fact, can be life-changing. A couple come to my mind for me, like when Gloria and I said, “I do,” some 37 years ago, or when the doctor said, “It’s a boy,” at the birth of both our...

Me and Jeremiah

Me and Jeremiah

Have you ever been reading Scripture and found yourself wishing God would do that for me? You know, like when reading how God granted insight to Solomon when faced with a hard decision with two mothers (1 Kings 3:16ff.), or when God spoke to Moses through a burning bush (Exodus 3), or as He sent...

Resolution Reset

Resolution Reset

We have all been there…one year draws to a close and a new one upon us, and accompanying this transition into the new year is a corresponding desire to make changes in how we will live and carry ourselves. Most of us will identify 1-2 items of special significance and importance, usually related to weight...

Abounding Grace

Abounding Grace

What is the meaning of life? That has been the question that has plagued mankind since the very beginning of time. But yet what if the answer is more clear than we think it is? Pastor Dave Ryerson will share this Sunday from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 and talk about how Paul is telling us that...

Follow Me – We Live With Urgency

Follow Me – We Live With Urgency

The new year is almost upon us and as we close out 2023, so too will we be closing out our series called “Follow Me” which looked at what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This week Pastor Dave Ryerson will be looking at how the follower of Jesus lives with urgency.