January 28, 2024

Knowing the Savior

Knowing the Savior

All of us have likely experienced those times when a few words pack quite an impact and, in fact, can be life-changing. A couple come to my mind for me, like when Gloria and I said, “I do,” some 37 years ago, or when the doctor said, “It’s a boy,” at the birth of both our children, Eli and Elliot.

In a spiritual sense, there are three words that impact your eternal future and present life more than any others: “Knowing the Savior.” These words have been an essential part of our congregation’s mission statement since its inception in 1987 and are the basis of this week’s message taken from the text of Philippians 3:8.

This week we will begin a three-week study of Abiding Savior’s mission statement, “Knowing the Savior and Making Him Known.”

Pastor Flaa