January 21, 2024

Me and Jeremiah

Me and Jeremiah

Have you ever been reading Scripture and found yourself wishing God would do that for me? You know, like when reading how God granted insight to Solomon when faced with a hard decision with two mothers (1 Kings 3:16ff.), or when God spoke to Moses through a burning bush (Exodus 3), or as He sent an angel to release Peter from a dire predicament in prison (Acts 12), or even facing a terrible illness and wishing you could just reach out and touch Jesus’ cloak and be healed instantly (Mark 5:25ff.).

Pastors are not exempt from such wishful thinking either, and although these cases may not be exactly replicated in my life and ministry or yours, we do have plenty of examples of God working in the same manner in our lives today. And this week’s sermon will focus on exactly that, with our study of Jeremiah 1:1-10 titled “Me and Jeremiah.”

Pastor Flaa