The True Gospel

The True Gospel

This Sunday is Confirmation Sunday. The day when we celebrate our students who declare their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, through their testimony. This Sunday is also Reformation Day. It is the day in which we remember when the powerful light of the Gospel broke through the darkness bringing hope to...

Worthy of the Gospel

Worthy of the Gospel

When our boys lived with us they often prepared and cooked their own meals. If Gloria told them once, she told them 100 times that, “I don’t care about the mess you make cooking, just be SURE you clean up afterwards!” And, usually they did, albeit not to Gloria’s standards perhaps, but they tried nonetheless!...

Christianity on the Move: Power of the Gospel

Christianity on the Move: Power of the Gospel

What do you envision when you think of the concept or illustration of “power”? Although this word has many nuances, for this week at least, let us consider it in the context of ‘being able to act or to produce and effect’. There are many word pictures that come to mind when I think of...

Christianity on the Move: Gospel Characteristics

Christianity on the Move: Gospel Characteristics

This time we will work through Acts 8 as we read of the continuing assault upon the early church by those desiring to destroy her, and we will see how God uses that which appears “bad” and yet sovereignly turns it for “good”. We will also see how certain qualities of an object or subject...