Connections Ministry Update – 2023

“There is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot.” Ecclesiastes 3:22

A few weeks ago, Pastor Flaa preached from Ecclesiastes 3, and verse 22 spoke directly to my heart.  For five years I was the Children’s ministry director at Abiding Savior and about a year and a half ago, the Holy Spirit placed a call on my heart to focus on relationships within our church body as well as out into the community.  I’m so incredibly grateful that our church has given me the opportunity to answer this calling and pursue a new position as the Church/Community Connections Coordinator.  This verse in Ecclesiastes spoke to me because in my new role I can use the unique gifts that God has given me and as such, it doesn’t even feel like work.  That is certainly something for which I can rejoice!

God has given ALL of us unique and special gifts and when we use those gifts, we bring good to the church body and bring glory to God.  Ponder for just a moment…what are the unique passions, talents and interests that God has given you?  In what ways are you using those gifts to benefit others and ultimately glorify God?  The body of Christ needs your special giftings in order to perform at peak level.

There are several opportunities to serve others both within our church and outside the walls of Abiding Savior.

We are always looking for kitchen servers to help with funerals, Wednesday night meals, and Sunday morning coffee and cookies.
Every Monday night, we host the chapel time for women and children at the Union Gospel Mission and share a Bible story with them and pray with them and over them.
On Tuesday afternoons during the school year we go to the Kenny Anderson Community Center to play games and build relationships with elementary students there after school.
During the summer months we go to Linwood Park on Tuesday afternoons to share a Bible story, sing songs, and have a snack with neighborhood children. We always end our time with a water balloon fight!
Every Wednesday afternoon at Stoneybrook Assisted Living Center, Abiding Savior hosts a worship service for the residents along with special music and homemade treats.
On the fourth Saturday of every month, Abiding Savior works with Feeding South Dakota to load food supplies into the cars of those in need.
  • A few times a year Abiding Savior sponsors, prepares and serves a meal at the Banquet West in Sioux Falls
  • On the last Sunday in February (this upcoming Sunday) we host our annual “Beat the Winter Blues” at Abiding Savior. This is a time for our church to share with others their unique talents, interests, and hobbies in an open house format. This is a wonderful time to experience fellowship, fun and food with people of all ages from our church and our community and to learn something new. Please plan to join us!
It truly is a beautiful thing when the body of Christ comes together to serve others. A perfect and recent example of this is when we collected items to give to the Union Gospel Mission.  With all the ministries at Abiding Savior Church and Academy working together, we were able to collect so much stuff to help the residents at UGM get back on their feet after the water damage that occurred there in December.

If you are interested in getting plugged into any of these ministries or if you have other gifts that you’re ready to use, I’d LOVE to meet with you and discuss ways in which you can employ the God-given talents you possess. When we hang onto our talents and keep them to ourselves, we are robbing the rest of the body of Christ from benefitting from those gifts.  I guarantee that you will be blessed as you are blessing others while doing what God created you to do.

If you’re excited about sharing your gifts with others, I’d love to hear from you. You can contact me via email or by calling the church office.  It would be wonderful to plug you in to the appropriate area of service so that, like me,  you too can rejoice in the work for which God has uniquely called and equipped you!

Blessings in Christ,
Amy Sweeter

Amy Sweeter
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