Be Wise: Purity, Purging, & the Passover Lamb

Be Wise: Purity, Purging, & the Passover Lamb

Have you ever heard or used the phrase “sweep it under the rug?” Probably so, for it is not uncommon that as certain detrimental or harmful activities, actions, or even attitudes exhibit themselves we find ourselves tempted to ignore, downplay, or excuse them away over that of the difficult work of simply dealing with them...

Church Planting: Lessons From Our First Year

Church Planting: Lessons From Our First Year

What do you most fear? As a kid I feared going down into my grandparents basement. It was dark, damp, smelled funny, the stairs were steep, and it had a deep scary hole in the corner. Though I’ve long outgrown that fear, as an adult I have other fears. What about you, what do you...

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