December 10, 2023

Follow Me – We Walk by Faith

Follow Me – We Walk by Faith

In every conversation we have when we attempt to describe a person, event, or even a feeling, we use a variety of words that essentially speak to the qualities or characteristics of what we are describing. My mom is in an Assisted Living facility in Sioux Falls and we talk on the phone nearly every night. And we often talk about the same things. When I ask mom how her day was and she says “boring” I know exactly what she means, and that this is actually good as it means there were no trips to the emergency room and no fire alarms at 5 a.m. When my mom says dinner was “bland” and “over-cooked” I am able to form a mental image of her meal. Similarly, when she asks me how the Chiefs game was on Sunday night and I say “lousy” she knows the Chiefs lost! All of these words describe qualities of an object or event.

In the same fashion this Sunday we will read of three young Hebrew men and discover the qualities of their faith as it is displayed in a most dramatic manner. Our sermon is titled “We Walk by Faith” and we will look at the characteristics of this faith, based upon the text of Daniel 3:1-30.

Pastor Flaa