November 19, 2023

Follow Me- “We Live in Hope”

Follow Me- “We Live in Hope”

There’s a Coke commercial that runs these days which shows the rollercoaster ride of a sports fan. It shows tons of different people screaming in joy, until you hear the announcer say the team missed the winning field goal. Everyone’s cheer quickly turns to everyone screaming “noooo” in dismay, until you hear the announcer say there was a flag on the play, in which all their screaming returns back to joy. That is the perfect example of more than just sports, but instead it showsthe rollercoaster ride that we will go through when we hope in the temporal. Pastor Dave Ryerson will share this Sunday about how the Christian lives focused on the eternal. Join us this Sunday at 8am, 9:30am and 11am as we continue our series of “Follow Me” and what it means to live in hope.