February 28, 2021

The Test of Temptation

The Test of Temptation

For most of us, tests are not something we really care for, and for many, we would rather avoid a test rather than to take a test. And this is especially true when we are unprepared for the test. The same can apply to temptation, and although most would rather avoid temptation, we simply cannot not. But like an exam or test, preparation is our best friend.

In our sermon text this week of Matthew 4:1-11 we learn of a series of temptations that our Lord Jesus underwent in the wilderness at the beginning of his public ministry. These temptations are recorded for us as proof that He is indeed the obedient Son of God, but also provide practical application for us as we face temptation on a daily basis. As we join in worship and study this week, we will recognize that the best way to face temptation is to be prepared for temptation.

I look forward to worshipping and learning with you and your family this week. Lord willing, see you Sunday!

Pastor Flaa