October 23, 2022

The Proof is in the Pudding

The Proof is in the Pudding

We have all either said or heard the phrase, “talk is cheap.” Oh, now true! I can talk all day about how hard I work, but it is completed tasks and results that will verify that statement; I can talk all day about being a great husband, but it is a conversation with my wife that will prove out those words one way or another; or, I can talk all day about eating healthy, but those empty boxes of Cap’n Crunch and Reese’s wrappers tell a different story!

Similar to last week, James again points out the error and tendency we have towards saying or thinking one thing, but in real life giving evidence to the contrary. Moving from the topic of the tongue, James now addresses the topic of wisdom, and exhorts us to examine ourselves and the source of our wisdom. The question he asks, and the one we will address is “where is your wisdom from?”