May 1, 2022

Praying for Enough

Praying for Enough

I suspect we are all guilty to some extent of permitting small things to overwhelm us and detract us from greater things. To my shame I have often allowed some petty or small concern grow until it is nearly out of control and becomes something that consumes me. It might be something someone has said or done (or not done!), or it may be an item to two on my To Do list, or maybe even an event or occasion coming up. The result is generally the same regardless: something of lower priority or importance becomes a major concern. I don’t think it a stretch to apply this to our prayer and spiritual life as well. Often our petitions and actions focus exclusively upon ourselves and lesser things to the neglect of the greater things. Nehemiah provides for us this week a blessed encouragement of a man who truly sought the greater things, and by God’s grace, we will discover how he did so in this week’s message titled “Praying for Enough.” It will be helpful to read Nehemiah 6:1-16 as you prepare your hearts for worship this Sunday.

Pastor Flaa