Take the L

Take the L

This week should be fun, as we go from goofy teenage sayings to a highly existential look at life and seeing what really matters and what doesn’t. On top of that, how the Word of God offers us all that we ever truly need. But how do we find that contentment? By making sure we’re...

The Arrival of the King

The Arrival of the King

Life is all about learning, and that certainly applies to our Christian walk and to our grasp and understanding of God’s Word. I have ‘learned’ (pun intended!) that a great way to gain a fuller understanding of the New Testament is to recognize its connection to the Old Testament, and this week we do exactly...

Christianity on the Move: Ultimate Sovereign King

Christianity on the Move: Ultimate Sovereign King

I have had some discussions lately and seems like there are a lot of people who feel that everything is out of control and it is often confirmed as I look through my Facebook news feed or watch the news. It seems that there is this underlying fear that things will not get any better....