August 14, 2022

Worry is Always Knocking at the Door

Worry is Always Knocking at the Door

Of my many personality quirks, one that often finds itself at the center of attention is what Gloria fondly refers to as my “stock pile” mentality. And rightly so as it is exhibited in any number of ways, including always having at least one spare coffee maker new in the box in our home, keeping at least 2 extra bottles of ketchup on hand, and opting to grill 14 hamburgers over the 8 that would be adequate to feed our family on the nights we grill out. I justify this with the statement, “Hey, I don’t want to run out!” and I readily admit to worry about running out or coming up short on a particular item I use regularly. I attribute this irrational worry of ‘running out’ for my 2 blowdryers, 4 different duffel bags, 36 cans of sardines in our pantry, and at least 4 tubes of toothpaste in my possession!

I guess the moral of the story is that we all have our worries. I trust yours are more important than many of mine, but nonetheless, we are all prone to worry in some regard. Thankfully, the author of Psalm 94 offers to us an example of how to deal with worry regarding important matters of life and by God’s grace we will learn to apply these truths to our own situation this week!

Lord willing, I look forward to joining you in worship this week as look to Psalm 94 and overcoming our worries. 

Pastor Flaa