Come to the Waters of Grace

Come to the Waters of Grace

This week our sermon will take us to 2 Kings 5:1-14 and the account of Naaman, a leading general in the Syrian army who was stricken with leprosy. He is instructed to go and wash in the waters of the Jordan River, and from this account we will discern some wonderful truths as we consider...

Troubled World & Troubled Lives

Troubled World & Troubled Lives

This week’s message is titled “Troubled World and Troubled Lives” and reflects the reality of the world we live in. With COVID, cancellations, the election, unemployment, family and marriage difficulties, race relations, cancer, the stock market, and a growing list of troubles, it is indeed easy to come to a place of despair and frustration....

Take A Stand

Take A Stand

We are living in unprecedented times, and as such we have unprecedented opportunity and responsibility. While so much of the world around us is standing up for what is “wrong”, I believe we are called, as Christians and as the Church, to all the more stand for what is “right”. This week’s message will focus...

Camping: Then and Now

Camping: Then and Now

This week we will review Numbers 2, a chapter that for most modern minds elicits a response of boredom and disinterest. And yet, did you realize it pertains to one of America’s great pastimes and activities, that of camping? This passage describes perhaps the greatest camping endeavor of all time, and our disinterest in the...

Desperately Seeking Comfort

Desperately Seeking Comfort

This week, Pastor Justin Nelson takes a look at 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 in a message entitled Desperately Seeking Comfort. We will learn about the comfort and hope God provides us, and what we are to do with it once we have received it.

Dancing With the Devil

Dancing With the Devil

With even a cursory view to any news broadcast or newspaper headline we come to the recognition that we are living in very divisive and contentious days. I can’t help but imagine the devil dancing with glee as he too observes this reality, and in view of this we as God’s people must seek to...

Fear and Favor

Fear and Favor

Our guest speaker, David Olson, takes us through the story of Joseph in Egypt in a message entitled “Fear and Favor”. The specific passage he of focus is Genesis 50:15-21, as we look at Joseph’s response to his treacherous family after his rise to power.

Sight for Sore Eyes

Sight for Sore Eyes

I remember in my days working on Grandpa’s farm the thrill of striking out for that first pass over a field with a digger or plow and the intense longing I had to make it that first furrow or pass one that was absolutely straight. In order to do so, I had to keep focused...

Growing Old With Grace

Growing Old With Grace

Like it or not, the reality is that every day we find ourselves growing older. The hands of time are something that all of us must reckon with, and this truth necessarily raises an important question: how can we grow older in grace and continue to serve our Lord? That question is one which the...