October 6, 2019

Christianity on the Move: The Holy Spirit Moves

Christianity on the Move: The Holy Spirit Moves

Evidences or proofs surround us, all pointing to a truth that we may or may not want to acknowledge. For instance, if I run out of clean dress shirts in the closet, this is evidence that there are 97 of them to iron, and I need to get busy because Gloria is a great washer of clothes, but isn’t as fond of ironing! Or, if my cookie jar lacks oatmeal raisin cookies or Rice Krispie chocolate rollers, this is likely proof that Lona or Joyce are on vacation or out of town. Or, if I run out of coffee, this is a certain evidence of the end of the world as we know it!

In a similar, but more serious and significant manner, this message based on Acts 2:37-47 reveals evidences or proofs of the Holy Spirit at work in a body of believers. Given all the contemporary emphasis on church growth methods and principles, it is so refreshing to look back to the church’s beginnings and see how the “church growth” movement really began. I believe you will be surprised at the key components of this movement and what constitutes evidences of the Holy Spirit working in a church family.

– Pastor Flaa